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发布日期:2018-03-01 02:55 信息来源: bet365赔率技巧



台州民营经济发达,是中国股份合作制经济的发源地,台州产业基础雄厚。 “十三五”期间,台州将不断完善现代产业体系,顺应信息化与工业化、制造业与服务业深度融合发展趋势,重点培育现代医药、汽车制造、高端装备、清洁能源、信息经济、现代金融、现代物流、旅游休闲等八大千亿主导产业。

台州的城市美誉度不断提升,获得“中国大陆最佳商业城市”、“中国最具幸福感城市”等多项荣誉, 并获批建设国家级小微企业金融服务改革创新试验区。台州山水神秀,生态优良,素有“洗肺”城市之美称,拥有天台山和神仙居两个国家5A级旅游景区,是佛教天台宗和道教南宗的发祥地,是广大海内外客商投资发展、宜业宜居的理想之选。

Taizhou, a coastal city in the middle of Zhejiang province, is located at the south wing of Yangtze River Delta and bordered by Ningbo to the north and Wenzhou to the south. It has a land area of 9,411 square kilometers with a population of 5.97 million. In 2015, its gross output reached 355.813 billion yuan; fiscal revenue reached 53.978 billion yuan; disposable incomes for urban residents and rural residents were 43,266 yuan and 21,225 yuan respectively.

Taizhou has a very robust private sector. It is the birthplace of shareholding cooperative system in China. During “the 13th Five-year” period, Taizhou will continue improving its modern industrial system, go with the development trends of deeper integration between informatization and industrialization and between manufacturing industry and service industry and focus on developing 8 RMB 100 billion-level leading industries including modern pharmaceutics, automobile manufacturing, high-end equipment, clean energy, information economy, modern finance, modern logistics and tourism and leisure.

Taizhou has enjoyed a high reputation. It has been awarded multiple titles such as “The Best City for Business in Mainland China”, “The City with the Highest Happiness Index in China” and is approved to build the National Reform and Innovation Pilot Zone for the Financial Services for Micro and Small Enterprises. With magnificent mountain and water views and superior ecological environment, Taizhou has been named the “lung-cleansing” city. It has two national 5A tourism attractions, namely Tiantai Mountain and Shenxian House. The Tiantai Sect of Buddhism and the Nan Sect of Taoism were both originated from Taizhou. Taizhou is an ideal destination for investment, career development and living for businessmen at home and abroad.


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