浙江省各市简介-衢州 | ||
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衢州 衢州市地处浙江省西部,是闽浙赣皖四省边际中心城市。下辖六个县(市、区),区域面积8841平方公里,总人口254万。 区位交通优势。衢州交通便捷,陆、水、空交通网四通八达。高铁到杭州1小时、到上海仅需2小时;衢州机场有通往北京、深圳、厦门等地的航线;钱塘江上游衢江4级航道开工建设,可通行500吨级船舶至杭州。 资源优势。衢州水资源丰富,是目前浙江省唯一饮用水源达到国家一级地表水的城市。衢州自然资源丰富,已探明储量的矿产有50多种。 产业优势。衢州是国内唯一同时具备氟和硅两个高端产业发展基础的产业基地,被科技部授予国家火炬计划氟硅新材料产业基地。衢州是国家级空气动力机械产业基地,是中国高档特种纸产业基地,是国家级绿色休闲食品和健康饮品产业基地。
Located in western Zhejiang province, Quzhou is a center city on the borders of four provinces, namely, Zhejiang, Fujian, Jiangxi and Anhui. It is consisted of 6 counties (county-level cities, districts), and covers an area of 8,841 km2 . The total population is 2.54 million. Location and transportation Advantages with efficient transportation system of water, land and air. High-speed railway takes local people 1 hour to Hangzhou and 2 hours to Shanghai; airlines to Beijing, Shenzhen and Xiamen are available at Quzhou airport; Qujiang level-4 passage on the upstream Qiangtang River leads to Hangzhou , and it has a capacity of 500 tons. Resource Advantages. Quzhou is rich in water resources, and it is the only city in Zhejiang province whose quality of drinking water meets the standard of national surface water level grade. Quzhou is also rich in natural resources with proven reserves of more than 50 kinds of minerals. Industry Advantages. Quzhou is the only industry base in domestic which has the development foundation of the two high-end industries of fluorine and silicon, and it was awarded by the National Ministry of Science and Technology as the new material industry base of fluorine and silicon in the national torch plan. Quzhou is also the national pneumatic machinery industry base, high-grade specialty paper industry base of China, national green leisure food and health drink industry base. | ||
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